Bloomgasm 法国玫瑰舔舐和振动刺激器
Bloomgasm 法国玫瑰舔舐和振动刺激器

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Shipping Policy & Privacy Guarantee
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Ontario (ON) and Quebec (QC): Orders usually arrive within 1-3 business days.
Other provinces: Delivery typically takes 3-4 business days.
Remote areas: Deliveries are expected within 5-7 business days.
Shipping is free for orders over $59. For orders below this amount, shipping costs are calculated based on the actual charges from the courier.
USA Shipping: Orders over $59 qualify for free shipping and usually arrive within 3-5 business days.
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Earn Store Credit
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用这款 Bloomgasm 的法国玫瑰舔和振动刺激器甜美地舔和振动您的外阴!这款丝滑、毛绒、优质硅胶玫瑰不含邻苯二甲酸盐,使用起来对身体无害。打开它,享受 10 种不同的舔舐和振动模式,您可以循环选择这些模式,找到完美的感觉!单独使用或带入卧室与爱人一起玩耍!它在阴唇、乳头、阴蒂甚至阴茎杆和头上的感觉都很棒!
与水基润滑剂一起使用。每次使用后用温水和玩具清洁剂清洗。拍干并存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射,并与其他玩具分开。可通过 USB 数据线和磁性端完全充电。
注意:只能使用水基润滑剂。可以浸入水中长达 30 分钟而不会出现问题。
UPC: 848518048653