Lelo ORA 3 口交模拟器
Lelo ORA 3 口交模拟器

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Shipping Policy & Privacy Guarantee
At Thorn & Feather, we ensure fast and secure delivery.
We ship orders using Canada Post, UPS. We’re also able to deliver to PO Box addresses. All packages are shipped in discreet, plain boxes to protect your privacy.
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Ontario (ON) and Quebec (QC): Orders usually arrive within 1-3 business days.
Other provinces: Delivery typically takes 3-4 business days.
Remote areas: Deliveries are expected within 5-7 business days.
Shipping is free for orders over $69. For orders below this amount, shipping costs are calculated based on the actual charges from the courier.
USA Shipping: Orders over $69 qualify for free shipping and usually arrive within 3-5 business days.
Earn Store Credit
Earn Store Credit
Our reward system has been updated!
Create an account and log in to start earning 5% of your order value (after discounts, excluding shipping and taxes) as store credits.
Use your credits at checkout on your next purchase—just apply them before completing your order.
Contact us for support if you have any questions!
对于只满足于屡获殊荣的口交的女性,ORA™ 3 让您融入真正的幸福时刻。 PreMotion™ 技术使用更牢固和精确的小块旋转运动,使真实感觉的口腔刺激速度提高 25%。快乐小块旋转和振动,就像舌头一样,但更好。世界上最直观的口交模拟器提供口交的感觉,让您一次又一次地回来。
- 旋转舌头模拟器- 12 种不同振动模式和超平滑旋转节点的令人兴奋的组合提供口交的感觉 - 只会更好。
- 更大、更快的目标节点带来完全的乐趣- 增强的节点更大、更快、更坚固和更灵活,因此您每次都能获得恰到好处的角度以获得完全的乐趣。
- 超柔软硅胶- 超光滑优质硅胶,触感特别柔软。 LELO 经典的人体安全硅胶设计 - 更胜一筹。
- 完全防水和可充电- 100% 防水设计和 USB 充电线,随时随地享受乐趣。
UPC: 7350075027970