
Shipping Policy & Privacy Guarantee
Shipping Policy & Privacy Guarantee
At Thorn & Feather, we ensure fast and secure delivery.
We ship orders using Canada Post, UPS. We’re also able to deliver to PO Box addresses. All packages are shipped in discreet, plain boxes to protect your privacy.
Click here to see how our packaging looks
Ontario (ON) and Quebec (QC): Orders usually arrive within 1-3 business days.
Other provinces: Delivery typically takes 3-4 business days.
Remote areas: Deliveries are expected within 5-7 business days.
Shipping is free for orders over $69. For orders below this amount, shipping costs are calculated based on the actual charges from the courier.
USA Shipping: Orders over $69 qualify for free shipping and usually arrive within 3-5 business days.
Earn Store Credit
Earn Store Credit
Our reward system has been updated!
Create an account and log in to start earning 5% of your order value (after discounts, excluding shipping and taxes) as store credits.
Use your credits at checkout on your next purchase—just apply them before completing your order.
Contact us for support if you have any questions!

- 15年质保
- 通过振动和热量刺激性感的龟头
- 创新的加热功能
- 耳语模式
- 防水等级 IPX7
- 亲肤硅胶
- 易于清洁
- 锂离子电池
- 包括 USB 磁性充电线
- 11个振动程序
The Satisfyer Men Heat Vibration:男人的刺痛体验!
您是否正在寻找一些激情四射的时刻 - 没有并发症? Satisfyer Men Heat Vibration 随时随地满足您的愿望!这款适合现代男士的振动自慰器配备了创新的加热功能,让您的独处时光成为令人叹为观止的真实体验。享受这个柔软的爱情隧道的舒适温暖,并在高达 40 度的温度下达到爆炸性的高潮。令人兴奋的加热功能与令人兴奋的强大振动相互作用,为您的龟头提供令人兴奋的刺激。
Men Heat Vibration 将阳刚设计与简单、直观的操作相结合 - 使用开/关和 +/- 按钮,您可以用一只手舒适地控制它,即使事情变得有点疯狂。由于其开口很大,即使您的阴茎没有勃起,您也可以使用自慰器,并立即将自己从 0 加热到 100。
沉浸在您的幻想中,并通过 11 种不同的振动水平被带到快乐的顶峰。
Satisfyer Men Heat Vibration 还能做什么?
Men Heat Vibration 防水 (IPX7),即使在淋浴或浴缸中也能为您带来想要的温暖狂喜。使用后,可以用温水和肥皂或消毒性健康设备清洁剂轻松清洁由精致硅胶和 ABS 塑料制成的材料。集成电池可以使用随附的磁性 USB 充电线充电。男人的性健康从未如此简单——现在就试试吧,享受你应得的热辣快感!
UPC: 4049369016372