Collection: PowerBullet - Are you powered by PowerBullet

As a brand trusted by consumers and manufacturers worldwide, PowerBullet® leads the way in representing the most powerful, strongest, and deepest vibrations available.
While all products that are powered by PowerBullet® ensure the customer that they are holding a quality product, some products and collections stand out from the rest.
The undying demand for more power committed us to make a bullet that would “rock your world.” The first single-speed prototype provided unbelievably powerful vibrations from such a small source. It would amaze people who turned it on for the first time, and many of them have been in the industry for many years. Even better, it would often run continuously for up to an hour. PowerBullet is the most fitting name for something with this kind of power hidden in a tiny shell.
  • Discreet Billing

    Your credit card statement will show TandF for your privacy and anonymity.

  • Discreet Shipping Packaging

    The only identifying marks are your mailing address and ours.

  • Secure Online Payments

    We are using SSL technology and the credit card is read directly by the bank.

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